
From PoliceWiki

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1982 01 16 photo.jpg
a photo from this concert - copyright by BR
1982 01 16 ticket.jpg
a ticket for this concert - scan kindly provided by BR
1982 01 16 caterer pass Christophe Laversanne.jpg
a caterer pass for this concert - provided by Christophe Laversanne
Performance summary
Artist performing: The Police
Tour: 1981-1982 Ghost in the Machine Tour
Venue: Capital Centre
Location: Landover, MD, USA
Support acts: The Go-Go's
Ticket prices: US$ 9,90

On 1982-01-16, The Police performed at the Capital Centre in Landover, MD, USA.


Recording information

There is a recording of this show.


In the morning The Police were still at their Boston hotel.

This concert is also listed as Largo, MD or Washington, DC... The venue was actually in Largo, Landover, Maryland - which is a suburb of Washington, DC. Yet Largo is only a small part of the town Landover.

See also

This section needs more information.

External links

you can watch more photos of The Police (and order prints) here:



Sources: tour schedule 1982; Circus - January 31, 1982; Outlandos newsletter March 1982 / Washington Post; photos; Record - March 1982; pass

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