1989-12-05 (Sting)

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Sting presents Reebok Human Rights Award in Boston
Photo or image related to event
Date: 1989-12-05
Location: Boston, MA, USA
Attendees: Sting

Sting presented the Reebok Human Rights Award to four leaders of the Chinese Student Democracy Movement in Boston, MA, USA. Only two of those leaders could attend the event, the others were in China - missing or imprisoned.

There should have been a performance of the 3 Penny Opera at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York, NY, USA as well (at 8:00pm - according to a general ad in "Playbill" from November 1989). Maybe the awards presentation in Boston was so early in the day that Sting could have done both...

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source: The New York Times - December 6, 1989; TV recording

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