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Andy Summers is a guest on a French TV show
Photo or image related to event
Date: 1980-06-04
Location: France
Attendees: Andy Summers, Al Jarreau, Dominique Blanc-Francard

Andy Summers is interviewed on French TV show "Mi-Fugue Mi-Raison".

The date for this is a combination of several clues:

French presenter Patrice Laffont remembers that this show was broadcast live and outside. The same kind of people that sit around Andy during his interview can be seen right before Al Jarreau's performance which features today's date on INA.fr website. They're mostly wearing summer clothes and June 4 was a hot day - at least in Paris.

During Andy's interview a journalist refers to The Police's concert from "about one month ago in countries like Greece". It's also said that Andy came from England especially for the show.

See also

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External links


source: Olivier Culli - based on French websites

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