The Village Studios

From PoliceWiki

The Village Studios
Photo or image related to studio
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Years in operation: YYYY - YYYY

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Stewart Copeland recorded his drums for Stanley Clarke's song Up (from the album Up) in this studio on 2013-12-16.

He also did a photo shoot here on 2017-12-13.

Sting and Shaggy recorded a mashup of Shape Of My Heart and Lucid Dreams here on 2018-10-27.

On 2024-05-02 Stewart Copeland did a video shoot for drumeo in this studio.

Recording history

The following Police and related albums or songs were recorded at this studio:

Album (or song) title Artist or band Producer Release year
Up Stanley Clarke PRODUCER 2014
Don't Make Me Wait Sting / Shaggy PRODUCER YYYY
Shape Of My Heart/Lucid Dreams mashup Sting / Shaggy Sting international YYYY

See also

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External links


source: Jeff Seitz (2024 info)