1983-09-01 Rolling Stone

From PoliceWiki

Rolling Stone
1983 09 01 Rolling Stone cover.jpg
Article title: A Monster Called Sting
Artist or band featured: Sting / The Police
Year: 1983
Month: September
Country (or countries) of publication: USA
Language(s): English
Author/interviewer: Kristine McKenna
Length of feature: 5 pages + cover + tourdates

On September 1 1983, The Police were featured in Rolling Stone.


The magazine features an interview with Sting from early 1983 - touching personal topics such as fame and success, friendships, his Catholic upbringing, drugs and movie projects like Gormenghast and Dune.

Sting mentions having seen Scorcese's "The King of Comedy" and a press conference for the 1983 US Festival "the other day". Said press conference was on March 22, 1983. The interviewer mentions that Sting also saw Prince recently - which might refer to the 1983-03-28 concert. So the interview probably took place in Los Angeles in early April 1983.

Quotes and noteworthy content

1983 09 01 Rolling Stone 01.jpg 1983 09 01 Rolling Stone 02.jpg 1983 09 01 Rolling Stone 03.jpg 1983 09 01 Rolling Stone 04.jpg 1983 09 01 Rolling Stone 05.jpg 1983 09 01 Rolling Stone 06.jpg 1983 09 01 Rolling Stone 07.jpg

External links

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