
From PoliceWiki

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1979 06 10 Sting Sue Arber.jpg
a photo from this concert - copyright Sue Arber
1979 06 10 Andy Sue Arber.jpg
a photo from this concert - copyright Sue Arber
1979 06 10 Stewart Sue Arber.jpg
a photo from this concert - copyright Sue Arber
1979 06 10 ticket.jpg
a ticket for this concert
Performance summary
Artist performing: The Police
Tour: 1978-1979 Outlandos d'Amour Tour
Venue: Lyceum
Location: London, England, UK
Support acts: The Cramps, Bobby Henry
Ticket prices: TICKET PRICES

On 1979-06-10, The Police performed at the Lyceum in London, England, UK.


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Recording information

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Photos from this gig can be seen in the book The Police Released on pages 21 (bottom) and 76.

Sting "borrowed" photographer Sue Arber's backstage pass, so that his wife could also get backstage.

See also

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External links

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sources: ticket, photos, Stewart Copeland's diary, Sue Arber, Robert Lamb's diary

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