1977-10-23 (Andy Summers & Stewart Copeland)

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Andy & Stewart are in Munich
an ad in Rock & Folk - November 1977
Date: 1977-10-23
Location: Munich, Germany
Attendees: Andy Summers, Stewart Copeland, Eberhard Schoener

An ad in Rock & Folk (November 1977) announces a concert in Lyon at the Palais d'Hiver for today. This was cancelled as well as the 2nd Paris concert on 1977-10-21.

Today Wolfgang takes Andy Summers and Stewart Copeland to the studio where they meet Eberhard Schoener. They unload their gear, get back to Eberhard Schoener's apartment and then to their own pension.

See also

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source: Rock & Folk - November 1977, JJ Johnson, Stewart Copeland's diaries

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