The Police: A Visual Biography

From PoliceWiki

The Police: A Visual Biography
The Police A Visual Biography.jpg
Authors: Laura Shenton
Country: UK
Language: English
Publisher: Wymer Publishing
Publication date: 2023-11-17
ISBN: 978-1915246448


This is a 192 page hardcover book about The Police - written by an author who writes about all kinds of musicians.

This shows in the text - it's the well known chronology of events and recordings, mostly based on quotes and chart statistics..

There are lots of photos inside, but most of them are from 4 concerts only:

although there are other photos mostly from Alamy and newspaper clippings, ads, flyers and posters the overall "Visual Biography" could and should have been much better illustrated.

Quotations and trivia

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See also

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External links and reviews

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  • Shenton, Laura. The Police: A Visual Biography. Bedford: Wymer Publishing, 2023.