2019-11-22 (Sting)

From PoliceWiki

2019 12 Rolling Stone ad Dietmar.jpg
an ad in Rolling Stone - December 2019
Performance summary
Artist performing: Sting
Tour: ---
Venue: Verti Music Hall
Location: Berlin, Germany
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: 27,00 Euro

On 2019-11-22, Sting performed at the Verti Music Hall in Berlin, Germany.


Recording information

This section needs more information. Please note if an official or unofficial recording, or recording(s), is known to exist of this performance.


Sting was introduced by Udo Lindenberg, received an International Music Award and performed two songs.

Before the ceremony Sting was interviewed by Martin Scholz in a hotel at the Alexanderplatz (this might have been today or yesterday) - the interview can be found in Sting: Message In A Book.

See also

External links

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sources: sting.com, poster, ticket, ad