1997-06-20 (Sting)

From PoliceWiki

1997 06 20 ticket1.jpg
a ticket for this concert - provided by Patrick Kehrer
1996 08 30 pass Christophe Laversanne.jpg
a support pass for this concert - provided by Christophe Laversanne
Performance summary
Artist performing: Sting
Tour: 1996-1997 Mercury Falling Tour
Venue: Festplatz "Auf der Hauer"
Location: Korbach, Germany
Support acts: Maria Lux
Ticket prices: 45,00 - 55,00 DM

On 1997-06-20, Sting performed at the Festplatz "Auf der Hauer" in Korbach, Germany.


Recording information

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There were about 11.000 people at this concert.

Before the concert Sting had left his favourite guitar on a luggage cart at Frankfurt airport. Airport worker Ulrich Müller personally delivered the guitar 30 minutes before Sting was to perform in nearby Korbach.

See also

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External links

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source: ticket, pass, newspaper clipping, Rogier van der Gugten