1976-05-23 (Andy Summers)

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1976 05 ad kevincoyne sounds.jpg
an ad in Sounds (Germany) - May 1976
Performance summary
Artist performing: Kevin Coyne
Tour: Tour name
Venue: Stadttheater and / or Schützenhalle
Location: Münster / Menden, Germany
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: TICKET PRICES

On 1976-05-23, Andy Summers performed with Kevin Coyne at Stadttheater in Münster, Germany - and / or at the Schützenhalle in Menden, Germany.


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Recording information

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The two cities are only an hour's drive apart, so it's possible to play those two concerts in one day...

See also

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External links

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sources: tour ad in Sounds (Germany) - May 1976

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