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The Police record overdubs at Matrix Studios
ad in SOUNDS - September 10, 1977
Date: 1977-09-26
Location: London, England, UK - Matrix Studios
Attendees: The Police, Paul Mulligan

Between 10:00am and 07:00pm The Police record overdubs at Matrix Studios. Stewart Copeland then visits Paul Mulligan before returning home.

The Police were supposed to perform at the Cavern in Exeter, England, UK. That gig didn't happen. This concert has been mentioned in a short news article in SOUNDS (September 10, 1977) and in Record Mirror (October 1, 1977). The SOUNDS ad - see scan - doesn't even get the number of upcoming concerts right...

See also

External links

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source: SOUNDS- September 10, 1977; Record Mirror - October 1, 1977; Stewart Copeland's diary; personal information

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