
From PoliceWiki
  • in March 1990 Sting walked through Central Park a lot, still without lyrics (various 1991 magazines)
  • in spring - Stewart was in Argentina to play polo and buy a new polo pony
  • in June - Stewart is was back at his Buckinghamshire farmhouse - spending the summer there
  • Soundcheck magazine October 1990: looks like recording in Italy was done after the world cup final (July 8, 1990) for a few weeks, as they chose to visit with a distance to the final and to the end of recording there
  • around September - Sting will mix the record in West London, before leaving for America (probably to Malibu)
  • early 1991 magazines suggest that Sting also did final LP mixes in Los Angeles and also produced a jazz singer there... --CREEM Feb 91 with an interview from Malibu early Nov. while producing Vinx
  • mid-September - Stewart flew from London to the States to work on the Fort Worth production of Holy Blood and Crescent Moon - and composing / recording music for a Nissan spot - it seems he stayed there until December
  • (all Outlandos newsletters - June and September 1990)

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