1988-07-10 (Andy Summers)

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Revision as of 02:46, 1 May 2021 by Dietmar (talk | contribs) (See also)

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Andy records with Michael Shrieve
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Date: 1988-07-10
Location: Marin County, CA, USA - The Site
Attendees: Andy Summers, Michael Shrieve, Terje Gewelt, David Torn

Andy Summers records with Michael Shrieve at The Site in Marin County, CA, USA.

The album credits mention that the Stiletto was recorded and mixed from July 8-14, 1988. In an interview with East Coast Rocker (October 5, 1988) Andy Summers mentions being "up in San Francisco last week" and doing it "in five days". So the final two days were probably spent mixing the record, maybe without Andy.

See also

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source: East Coast Rocker - October 5, 1988

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