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1986 01 uktourad.jpg
an ad for the UK tour
Performance summary
Artist performing: Sting
Tour: 1985-1986 The Dream of the Blue Turtles Tour
Venue: City Hall
Location: Newcastle, England, UK
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: 8,00 - 9,00 UK pounds

On 1986-01-10, Sting performed at the City Hall in Newcastle, England, UK.



Message In A Bottle

Recording information

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The concert was sold out - there were 2.150 people in the audience.

After finishing a "The Tube" TV show Sting wanted to play the 2nd Newcastle concert. But a power failure caused by an explosion in a backstage sub-station and fuse-box forced Sting to change plans. He started to play a few acoustic numbers, but then decided to re-schedule the whole concert to 1986-02-03.

According to the tour itinerary no hotels were booked for the band in Tynemouth tonight, so the band probably travelled to Edinburgh after the concert where they were staying at Dalhousie Castle.

See also

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External links

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source: ticket; ad; tour itinerary,; Outlandos newsletter Christmas 1985; Outlandos newsletter February 1986; Rogier van der Gugten; The Stage - January 16, 1986

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